Results for 'M. F. Delgado-Noguera'

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  1.  25
    Suplementos de ácidos graxos poliinsaturados de cadeia longa para as mães que amamentam.M. F. Delgado-Noguera & J. A. Calvache - forthcoming - Tópicos.
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  2. La Primera Guerra Mundial en la "filosofía de la historia" de Eric Hobsbawm. A cien años de 1914.F. M. Ortiz-Delgado - 2014 - Mañongo. Revista Semestral de Historia y Ciencias Sociales 22 (43):235-256.
    In the following article we make an analysis of the paper of the First World War in a possible “philosophy of the history” of the British historian Eric Hobsbawm. To achieve this we first give three axial arguments to defend our position that asserts that Hobsbawm developed, in a certain way, a philosophy of history. Then we move on enumerate the causes that the historian found triggered the Great War, in order to comprehend the nature and functionality of them inside (...)
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  3. González Luna, Teresa; Rodríguez Zepeda, Jesús (Eds.). (2021). Dioses, Iglesias y diversidad: la discriminación y el Estado laico. Universidad de Guadalajara; Rindis. Theoría. Revista Del Colegio De Filosofía, (45), 144–148. [REVIEW]F. M. Ortiz-Delgado - 2023 - Theoría. Revista del Colegio de Filosofía 1 (45):144-148.
  4.  20
    Jumping to conclusions is differently associated with specific subtypes of delusional experiences: An exploratory study in first-episode psychosis.L. Diaz-Cutraro, H. Garcia-Mieres, R. Lopez-Carrilero, M. Ferrer, M. Verdaguer-Rodriguez, M. L. Barrigon, A. Barajas, E. Grasa, E. Pousa, E. Lorente, I. Ruiz-Delgado, F. Gonzalez-Higueras, J. Cid, C. Palma-Sevillano, S. Moritz, Group Spanish Metacognition & S. Ochoa - 2021 - Schizophrenia Research 228:357–359.
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    Generative Artificial Intelligence in Clinical Practice: Undergraduate Experience.Carmen M. Alegría-Bernal, Jhan C. Fernández-Delgado & Fernando S. Andía-Alegría - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:532-542.
    The objective of this article is to assess the impact of generative artificial intelligence (AGI) as a learning tool in clinical practice, as perceived by clinical students of human medicine. To this end, six learning activities were devised and executed, employing diverse pedagogical approaches and AGI tools, with the objective of addressing various facets of clinical practice. These included the creation of explanatory material, literature analysis, the selection of clinical cases for publication, the development of self-assessment questions, the production of (...)
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    Auras in mysticism and synaesthesia: A comparison.M. A. Rodríguez Artacho, L. C. Delgado-Pastor, A. González-Hernández, M. Hochel, O. Iborra, E. Salazar & E. G. Milán - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (1):258-268.
    In a variety of synaesthesia, photisms result from affect-laden stimuli as emotional words, or faces of familiar people. For R, who participated in this study, the sight of a familiar person triggers a mental image of "a human silhouette filled with colour". Subjective descriptions of synaesthetic experiences induced by the visual perception of people's figures and faces show similarities with the reports of those who claim to possess the ability to see the aura. It has been proposed that the purported (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Wandering minds: the default network and stimulus-independent thought.M. F. Mason, M. I. Norton, J. D. van Horn, D. M. Wegner, S. T. Grafton & C. N. Macrae - 2007 - Science 315 (5810):393-395.
  8. (2 other versions)Idealism and greek philosophy: What Descartes saw and Berkeley missed.M. F. Burnyeat - 1982 - Philosophical Review 91 (1):3-40.
  9. Enthymeme: Aristotle on the Logic of Persuasion.M. F. Burnyeat - 2015 - In David J. Furley & Alexander Nehamas, Aristotle's Rhetoric: Philosophical Essays. Princeton University Press. pp. 3-56.
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    Auto-evaluación previa a las prácticas de laboratorio químico: introducción al auto-aprendizaje.Patricia Noguera Murray, Luis Antonio Tortajada Genaro, Julia Atienza Boronat & M. Asunción Herrero Villén - 2011 - Arbor 187 (Extra_3):267-272.
    En este trabajo se muestra una estrategia para mejorar los resultados de aprendizaje en las prácticas de laboratorio en una asignatura de Química del Grado en Ingeniería Agroalimentaria y del Medio Rural realizando cuestionarios previos temporizados usando la plataforma e-learning PoliformaT. De este modo, se ha permitido la auto-evaluación de los alumnos antes de realizar una sesión de prácticas, fomentando la preparación y el interés del alumno en su realización y consiguiendo un mayor aprovechamiento de los recursos. La eficacia de (...)
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  11. Action sets and decisions in the medial frontal cortex.M. F. S. Rushworth, M. E. Walton, S. W. Kennerley & D. M. Bannerman - 2004 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 8 (9):410-417.
  12. Protagoras and the self-refutation in Plato’s Theaetetus.M. F. Burnyeat - 1976 - Philosophical Review 85 (2):172-195.
  13. The deformation of plastically non-homogeneous materials.M. F. Ashby - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 21 (170):399-424.
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  14. Perception-Action Mutuality Obviates Mental Construction.M. F. Fultot, L. Nie & C. Carello - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (2):298-307.
    Context: The dominant approach to the study of perception is representational/computational, with an emphasis on the achievements of the brain and the nervous system, which are taken to construct internal models of the world. Alternatives include ecological, embedded, embodied, and enactivist approaches, all of which emphasize the centrality of action in understanding perception. Problem: Despite sharing many theoretical commitments that lead to a rejection of the classical approach, the alternatives are characterized by important contrasts and points of divergence. Here we (...)
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    Diffraction contrast from spherically symmetrical coherency strains.M. F. Ashby & L. M. Brown - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (91):1083-1103.
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  16. Plato on the Grammar of Perceiving.M. F. Burnyeat - 1976 - Classical Quarterly 26 (01):29-.
    The question contrasts two ways of expressing the role of the sense organ in perception. In one the expression referring to the sense organ is put into the dative case ; the other is a construction with the preposition δiá governing the genitive case of the word for the sense organ.
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  17. Protagoras and self-refutation in later greek philosophy.M. F. Burnyeat - 1976 - Philosophical Review 85 (1):44-69.
  18. Species: The units of diversity,.M. F. Claridge, H. A. Dawah & M. R. Wilson (eds.) - 1997 - Chapman & Hall.
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  19.  47
    Reason and Human Good in Aristotle.M. F. Burnyeat - 1978 - Philosophical Review 87 (1):102.
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  20.  29
    Objects of psycholinguistic enquiry.M. F. Garrett - 1981 - Cognition 10 (1-3):97-101.
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  21. The Impiety of Socrates.M. F. Burnyeat - 1997 - Ancient Philosophy 17 (1):1-12.
  22. Socrates and the Jury: Paradoxes in Plato's Distinction between Knowledge and True Belief.M. F. Burnyeat & Jonathan Barnes - 1980 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 54 (1):173 - 206.
  23.  39
    On diffraction contrast from inclusions.M. F. Ashby & L. M. Brown - 1963 - Philosophical Magazine 8 (94):1649-1676.
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    Contrasting roles for cingulate and orbitofrontal cortex in decisions and social behaviour.M. F. S. Rushworth, T. E. J. Behrens, P. H. Rudebeck & M. E. Walton - 2007 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 11 (4):168-176.
    There is general acknowledgement that both the anterior cingulate and orbitofrontal cortex are implicated in reinforcement-guided decision making, and emotion and social behaviour. Despite the interest that these areas generate in both the cognitive neuroscience laboratory and the psychiatric clinic, ideas about the distinctive contributions made by each have only recently begun to emerge. This reflects an increasing understanding of the component processes that underlie reinforcement- guided decision making, such as the representation of reinforcement expectations, the exploration, updating and representation (...)
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  25.  46
    (1 other version)Is an Aristotelian Philosophy of Mind Still Credible?M. F. Burnyeat - 1992 - In Martha C. Nussbaum & Amélie Oksenberg Rorty, Essays on Aristotle's de Anima. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press UK.
    This essay argues that the Putnam-Nussbaum thesis that modern functionalism is Aristotelian is false. It fails as an interpretation of Aristotle since it fails to notice that Aristotle’s conception of the material or physical side of the soul-body relation is one which no modern functionalist could share. The Putnam-Nussbaum thesis is examined within the context of the theory of perception. This involves the need to understand one of the most mysterious Aristotelian doctrines – the doctrine that in perception, the sense-organ (...)
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  26. Wittgenstein and Augustine De Magistro.M. F. Burnyeat - 1987 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 61 (1):1-24.
  27.  48
    XII—Belief in Speech.M. F. Burnyeat - 1968 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 68 (1):227-248.
    M. F. Burnyeat; XII—Belief in Speech, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 68, Issue 1, 1 June 1968, Pages 227–248,
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  28. Examples in Epistemology: Socrates, Theaetetus and G. E. Moore.M. F. Burnyeat - 1977 - Philosophy 52 (202):381-398.
    Theaetetus, asked what knowledge is, replies that geometry and the other mathematical disciplines are knowledge, and so are crafts like cobbling. Socrates points out that it does not help him to be told how many kinds of knowledge there are when his problem is to know what knowledge itself is, what it means to call geometry or a craft knowledge in the first place—he insists on the generality of his question in the way he often does when his interlocutor, asked (...)
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  29. Gods and Heaps.M. F. Burnyeat - 1981 - In M. Nussbaum & M. Schofield, Language and Logos: Studies in Ancient Greek Philosophy Presented to G. E. L. Owen. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Work hardening of dispersion-hardened crystals.M. F. Ashby - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 14 (132):1157-1178.
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  31. Los sentimientos ante la (nada terrible) muerte en la filosofía estoica.F. Miguel Ortiz Delgado - 2018 - Stoa 9 (17):7-25.
    En el presente art´ıculo exploramos la carencia de valor que tiene la muerte, el cese de la vida de una persona, para la filosof ´ıa estoica, que con-sidera a aquella como uno de los factores indiferentes o adi´aphora (“no prefe-ribles”) para la felicidad humana. La idea del “temor hacia la muerte”, comoun sentimiento incorrecto, repercuti´o en la pol´ıtica cotidiana de la Roma im-perial; seg´un concluimos, esta circunstancia demuestra el car´acter pragm´aticoy terap´eutico de la Stoa, escuela que siempre busc´o eliminar tal (...)
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  32. An African environmental ethic based on the concepts of ukama and ubuntu.M. F. Murove - 2009 - In Munyaradzi Felix Murove, African Ethics: An Anthology for Comparative and Applied Ethics. Scottsville, South Africa: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press.
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    The Material and Sources of Plato's Dream.M. F. Burnyeat - 1970 - Phronesis 15 (1):101-122.
  34. Explorations in Ancient and Modern Philosophy: Volume 2.M. F. Burnyeat - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    M. F. Burnyeat taught for 14 years in the Philosophy Department of University College London, then for 18 years in the Classics Faculty at Cambridge, 12 of them as the Laurence Professor of Ancient Philosophy, before migrating to Oxford in 1996 to become a Senior Research Fellow in Philosophy at All Souls College. The studies, articles and reviews collected in these two volumes of Explorations in Ancient and Modern Philosophy were all written, and all but two published, before that decisive (...)
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    A poetics of being-two: Irigaray's ethics and post-symbolist poetry.M. F. Simone Roberts - 2011 - Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield.
    "M. F. Simone Roberts's A Poetics of Being-Two is animated by a lively and engaging voice, drawing readers in with a sense of serious purpose working (delightfully) in tandem with a sense of humor. Roberts's aesthetics and her close readings of Yves Bonnefoy, St-John Perse, and Jorie Graham clearly demonstrate the literary effectiveness of Irigarayan sexual difference as an analytic trope, even as they emphasize the philosophical and political possibilities sexual difference opens up for feminism, environmentalism, and all levels of (...)
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    The stress at which dislocations are generated at a particle-matrix interface.M. F. Ashby, S. H. Gelles & L. E. Tanner - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (160):757-771.
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    Chemical elements and the problem of universals.M. F. Sharlow - 2006 - Foundations of Chemistry 8 (3):225-242.
    In this paper, I explore a seldom-recognized connection between the ontology of abstract objects and a current issue in the philosophy of chemistry. Specifically, I argue that realism with regard to universals implies a view of chemical elements similar to F.A. Paneth’s thesis about the dual nature of the concept of element.
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  38. The role of the family in deceased organ procurement: A guide for Clinitians and Policymakers.Janet Delgado, Alberto Molina-Pérez, David M. Shaw & David Rodríguez-Arias - 2019 - Transplantation 103 (5):e112-e118.
    Families play an essential role in deceased organ procurement. As the person cannot directly communicate his or her wishes regarding donation, the family is often the only source of information regarding consent or refusal. We provide a systematic description and analysis of the different roles the family can play, and actions the family can take, in the organ procurement process across different jurisdictions and consent systems. First, families can inform or update healthcare professionals about a person’s donation wishes. Second, families (...)
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    Archytas and Optics.M. F. Burnyeat - 2005 - Science in Context 18 (1):35-53.
  40. Aristotle on the Foundations of Sublunary Physics.M. F. Burnyeat - 2004 - In Frans A. J. de Haas & Jaap Mansfeld, Aristotle On generation and corruption, book 1: Symposium Aristotelicum. New York: Clarendon Press.
  41. Sovremennai︠a︡ progressivnai︠a︡ ėsteticheskai︠a︡ mysl'. [Sbornik stateĭ. Otv. red. M. F. Ovsi︠a︡nnikov i dr.].M. F. Ovsi︠a︡nnikov (ed.) - 1974 - Moskva,: "Nauka,".
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    "I don't like that, it's tricking people too much...": acute informed consent to participation in a trial of thrombolysis for stroke.M. Mangset, R. Førde, J. Nessa, E. Berge & T. Bruun Wyller - 2008 - Journal of Medical Ethics 34 (10):751-756.
    Background: Informed consent is regarded as a contract between autonomous and equal parties and requires the elements of information disclosure, understanding, voluntariness and consent. The validity of informed consent for critically ill patients has been questioned. Little is known about how these patients experience the process of consent.Objective: The aim of this study was to explore critically ill patients’ experience with the principle of informed consent in a clinical trial and their ability to give valid informed consent.Design: 11 stroke patients (...)
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  43. Apology 30b 2-4: Socrates, money, and the grammar of "gígnesthai".M. F. Burnyeat - 2003 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 123:1-25.
    The framework of this paper is a defence of Burnet's construal of Apology 30b 2-4. Socrates does not claim, as he is standardly translated, that virtue makes you rich, but that virtue makes money and everything el se good for you. This view of the relation between virtue and wealth is paralleled in dialogues of every period, and a sophisticated development of it appears in Aristotle. My philological defence of the philosophically preferable translation extends recent scholarly work on eínai in (...)
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  44. (1 other version)Eikos muthos.M. F. Burnyeat - 2009 - In Catalin Partenie, Plato’s Myths. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 167--186.
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  45.  53
    Aristotelian Revisions: The Case of de Sensu.M. F. Burnyeat - 2004 - Apeiron 37 (2):177-180.
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    Erratum: "Protagoras and self-refutation in later greek philosophy".M. F. Burnyeat - 1976 - Philosophical Review 85 (3):436-436.
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    Postscript on silent reading.M. F. Burnyeat - 1997 - Classical Quarterly 47 (01):74-.
  48.  42
    Some new aspects of relativity: Remarks on Zahar's paper.M. F. Podlaha - 1976 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 27 (3):261-267.
  49.  33
    Por que amamos: o que os mitos e a filosofia têm a dizer sobre o amor.Renato Noguera - 2020 - Rio de Janeiro: Harper Collins.
    Por que amamos? O que está por trás desse sentimento que, segundo dizem, move montanhas? É se debruçando sobre a filosofia, a ancestralidade, mitos africanos, indígenas, orientais, ocidentais e até sobre a biologia que Renato Noguera nos leva a refletir sobre os diferentes significados do amor. Amar é querer aprender, ensinam-nos os gregos. A esse aprendizado, soma-se outro fundamental, desta vez proveniente de culturas afro-indígenas: amar não é uma emoção individual, mas coletiva, e pode envolver duas, três, quatro pessoas, (...)
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  50. Una incursión psicofilológica en derecho.F. Rubén Delgado - 1972 - Humanitas 13:131.
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